
Whaea Hekeiteranga Broadhurst discusses the rich history and hopeful future of Ngaati Wairere. She discusses the impact of assistance from early missionaries as Ngaati Wairere established a church and mastered new agricultural practices leading to a flourishing economy through wheat cultivation. Whaea Hekeiteranga Broadhurst shares poignant personal anecdotes, including her brother's struggles with identity in a colonial classroom. Despite facing adversity, he persevered, ultimately achieving academic and sporting success while also serving in the army. Grounded in the importance of knowing one's whakapapa and cultural heritage, Whaea Hekeiteranga Broadhurst emphasises the significance of identity amidst modern challenges.

In this clip, we hear from Matua Tuku Pihipihi about leaving school and going to tech to learn a trade. Initially, it was hoped that Matua Tuku would become a teacher, but he instead found his way in the trades. This pathway later allowed him to use his skills to revamp the Whare Kai at Hukanui Marae (see Life and Mahi Part 2 video).